Friday, 18 June 2010

Ski Christmas

Well it now just half a year until the peak skiing week of Christmas will be upon. Its always hard to think about skiing just before our summer holidays, but the Christmas skiing is always a great week to get away with the family, all ages, and just celebrate in style and lets someone else worry about ordering the turkey, peeling the sprouts, and cooking it. Some mum and dad, put the oven gloves down, and get on the jet in six months time!

Monday, 7 June 2010

Family Chalet

Many chalets nowadays claim to be family friendly ski chalets and therefore the obvious question arises, which ones really are? I've therefore compiled a few questions that might give you a feel in terms of sorting out the real family chalets from the 'branded' versions:
  1. What childcare support do you provide
  2. Do you have any dedicated childcare support and if so what is it and when
  3. What facilities do you have for the children
  4. Is there a separate games room for the children
  5. What games, videos, toys, etc do you provide
  6. do you have child car restraints, cots, high chairs, etc and are they free
  7. What assistance do you give getting the children to and from school
  8. What do you know about the local creche, and ski school lessons for children, and what would you recommend
  9. Do you provide any assistance in respect of getting the children to and from ski school and what is it
  10. Have you ever taken your own children on a ski holiday and if so when and what age
I particularly like the last one as it never ceases to amaze me how many people give advise on children, and haven't even had their own yet!